Key Benefits
- Only allows enterprise and domain administrators the ability to unlock a user session
- Seamless integration with
Microsoft Windows
- Allows for the logoff of
multiple user sessions in a “Fast user
Switching” scenario or “Switch User” scenario
where multiple users can bog-down the
- Runs on all current versions of Windows - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012
Blaser WinUnlock
Blaser WinUnlock allows system
administrators to unlock and access a locked user
session on a workstation.
Client WinUnlock Client - Install on member
workstations. This program will
enable the ability to logoff user sessions
and connect to user sessions.
Use the links below to download the Blaser WinUnlock system. WinUnlock Client is installed on workstations and can be used to logoff idle user sessions. Combined with WinUnlock Server, the WinUnlock client can unlock a user session form the console to perform system audits and provide technical support by system administrators - enhancing the native capabilities of Windows to allow authorized access to a locked workstation and user desktop. Traditionally,
Version 2.6
Released 10-December-2019
Version 2.6
Released 10-December-2019WinUnlock Server - Install on
Domain Controller for unlock authorization and
logging of WinUnlock Client requests.
This component requires a license to function.
WinUnlock System Documentation and Installation Guide
an instant Demo
$999/year. Blaser WinUnlock is
licensed on a yearly basis per Windows
domain. Contact
us below and we'll be happy to answer
your questions!